On the 13th January, me and 3 classmates of mine went to the city of Utajärvi, in Finland, through the Erasmus+ Programme. The countries that participated in this project were Portugal, Finland, Italy, Spain, Greece and Latvia, and each country took 4 students and 1 or 2 teachers. We stayed at the Finnish students’ houses during the week. 

De 15 a 19 de janeiro de 2018 teve lugar a 1ª atividade de Aprendizagem, Ensino e Formação, na Finlândia. Com base nos critérios de seleção definidos no projeto, foram selecionados cinco alunos para acompanharem a professora Irene Enes a Utajärvi, Oulu: Ana Raquel Pereira, Cecília dos Santos, Diogo Muge, Susana Oliveira e Tiago La Féria, todos do 11CT1. Infelizmente, dois dias antes da partida, um dos alunos selecionados, o Tiago, sofreu um acidente e não pode acompanhar a equipa! Foi um momento de grande tristeza para todos!

When I got to Finland I was scared I wasn't going to feel welcomed, but I couldn't  have been more wrong. My host and his family, including their two dogs, were very kind and friendly and I couldn't have asked for better. I loved meeting them and being part of their family, even if it was only for five days. 

fotos finlandiaAlunos e professora já se encontram na Finlândia. Como se pode ver pela imagem, faz frio na cidade, mas a boa disposição de todos é visivel.

convite 1Dear Irene Enes and Students

 We are glad do invite you to attend our Erasmus + project "Digital Update on the arts and Creativity in Education".Meeting that take place from 15th to 19th January 2018 in our school - Utajärven lukio in Utajärvi.

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